Vision and Mission
At Shine Intervention Center, we believe that every person deserves the right receive the necessary intervention to equip them to live a fruitful life. We envision all persons with disabilities given the equal right to education, the equal right to have access to public utilities and live independently at home and in their communities and the equal opportunity for gainful employment to live fruitful lives in a society who respects these rights. We commit ourselves to working towards bridging the gaps of their development. While focusing on training them to achieve appropriate levels of communication and appropriate social and leisure skills, we work towards achieving independence which will pave way to execute their equal rights to be integrated in regular schools, gainful inclusion in work environments and most importantly fulfilled lives where they continue to develop to the fullest of their potentials.
We firmly believe in the need for individuals with special needs to receive the earliest possible intervention by therapeutically addressing their behavioral and communication deficits and bridge the gaps in their development. It is in addressing the underlying functions of their behavior which may be hindering their ability to learn new skills that they may have holistic growth.
We envision our students to be in a society who understands. Our mission is to train them to develop appropriate and suitable ways to communicate in order that they may understand others as well as able to express themselves in ways they can be understood.
It is our mission that the nature of intervention we provide them is one that will adequately train them to learn independence, how to appropriately cope in order to adapt to the social environments they live in and enable them to ultimately master skills within their unique interests, talents and exceptionalities.
We strive to increase awareness to more regular schools wherein we can mainstream our children into as well as advocate for more vocational settings and work environments for employment opportunities for our adult students and graduates.
Over almost two decades, we have mainstreamed about seventy-five percent of our students into regular preschools and have had an increasing number of students and graduates of our programs into inclusive working environments were they may have gainful employment or a means of income through their unique skills sets.
Our intervention center has become a home for persons with special needs...a source of nourishment, with abundance in understanding and tenderness... a place lit with hope, dreams and fulfilment where we embrace each of our students for who they are and may become in the future.